Fuel Cell Technology
Latest fuel cell technology in the second generation
Full power - clean energy. The STILL fuel-cell technology generates the electric energy for driving, lifting and auxiliary functions right on board of the truck. The innovative STILL fuel-cell PowerPack makes the trucks easily fit for multi-shift operation, minimises work interruptions for recharging and conserves the environment.
- One short stop at the hydrogen fuel station replaces the effort to change the battery
- Minimised work breaks due to fast refuelling
- The fuel-cell PowerPack supplies a constant rated voltage of 80V until the hydrogen is fully consumed
- It produces zero emissions
The STILL fuel cell technology generates the electric energy for the electric drives for travelling, hydraulics and the auxiliary consumers directly on board of the truck.
Core piece of the system is the stack of fuel cells in which hydrogen reacts with the oxygen from the air to generate the electric energy. The energy is then stored and can be used for the drive systems.
The hydrogen needed for this reaction is stored with high pressure in gas tanks. The oxygen is simply taken from the air. The only "emission" of this process is pure water and no CO2 pollutes our atmosphere.
All components of this "mobile power plant" including the tanks holding the hydrogen needed for the reaction are placed in a very small space not bigger than a standard STILL 80V battery. As the fuel cell supplies electric energy the proven STILL drive systems can be used.